We are pleased to offer annual scholarships for students studying cyber security at MSOE and UWM. Each scholarship is a one-time gift intended to support students pursuing a career in cyber security. Each university has unique requirements for the MCSA scholarship but both scholarships are designed to encourage cyber security awareness and employment opportunities. Students have the opportunity to network with employers and consider internships.
Thank you to our corporate partners and sponsors who've helped fund these scholarships!
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Midwest Cyber Security Alliance Scholarship
Annual scholarship for MSOE juniors or seniors enrolled full time, pursuing a baccalaureate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering. View the online scholarship requirements at MSOE's Money Matters website.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Midwest Cyber Security Alliance Scholarship
Annual scholarship for UWM juniors or seniors enrolled full time in the School of Information Studies (SOIS) pursuing a career path in cyber security.